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Create your own business learning management system (LMS) portal.

Businesses need to provide education to their staff and contractors; some ongoing training is mandatory depending on your organisation. The Mobiconnect™ smart LMS lets you manage delivery of online training.

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Mobiconnect™ smart LMS
Course Library

Create courses with easy-to-use LMS course manager

Create a course library with course names, option of issuing a certificate on successful completion and add a brief about what course topic.

easy-to-use LMS with Mobiconnect
Prebuilt certificate templates with Mobiconnect
Custom templates

Option to add custom HTML/CSS on certificates

The certificate manager comes with a prebuilt certificate template, and you can create multiple certificates and tag them to the different courses.

For the techies, there is an option to edit the HTML and CSS editor for customising your certificates.

Course builder tool with Mobiconnect

Create your course library

The simple course builder tool lets you add lesson topics and optional lesson quizzes at the end of each topic.

Smart Topic builder

The topic builder uses our easy-to-use page builder to make creation simple

Once you get into the topic builder, the block and elements interface makes it simple and easy to customise your course with layout options and elements such as header blocks, images, video links and other features.

Easy-to-use page builder with Mobiconnect
Manage Users and their LMS tasks with Mobiconnect
Assign Courses

Manage Users and their LMS tasks

It is a task to create a course and then a task to ensure that your staff, or contractors are complying with the course and have completed the course. This is done by our task manager which allows you to allocate courses to your users and track their progress.

Need a demo or customisation?

Need a custom-built enterprise LMS solution?

Our LMS platform has many configurable components, and our team will be very happy to assist you with a custom build or if you require inhouse implementation from our experts. Please get in touch with us to discuss an enterprise or custom LMS solution.

Native or hybrid mobile apps with Mobiconnect

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